
Vehicle Wrap
Pricing Calculator

The Worlds Most Accurate Car Wrap Cost Estimator

Note: Vehicle images are based on vehicle class, they are not model specific. Our database will render the square footage of the selected area for your vehicle, calculate the cost of material based on the chosen wrap type, determine the estimated hours for the job(based on historic and poll data), and then calculate your total cost. Click Calculate once you have filled out all the requirements.

Estimate the cost of wrapping your vehicle with precision and ease!

How It Works

Our vehicle wrap pricing calculator is designed to provide you with accurate cost estimates for wrapping a wide range of vehicles, including vans, semi-trucks, box-trucks, and commercial vehicles. Here's how it works:

  1. Select Your Vehicle
  2. Choose the make, year, and model of your vehicle from our extensive database, which covers all vehicle years from 1992 to 2024.

  3. Choose Wrap Material
  4. Select your desired wrap material from our diverse options, including Gloss Vinyl, Matte Vinyl, Chrome, Carbon Fiber, Brushed Metal, Camouflage, Fluorescent, Reflective, Metallic, and Satin.

  5. Customize Labor Cost
  6. We provide a default labor cost estimate of $75 per hour, but you can easily adjust this based on your local market rates for labor.

  7. Get an Accurate Estimate
  8. Our calculator uses our extensive database of estimated material costs, along with vehicle dimensions and square footage, to provide you with the most accurate vehicle wrap cost estimate available online.

Benefits of Using Our Calculator

Ready to get started? Calculate the cost of wrapping your vehicle now!

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